Wednesday, May 20, 2015

what's that feeling? the opposite of shame?

This past Saturday was another home doubleheader - B team against a visiting team and then two of our home teams.

Our league has a video camera that usually the Head Ref wears on his helmet. This time, however, for the B team bout, I wore it.

I did not like wearing it. At all. I was always conscious that it was there, recording what I saw, evidence of any calls I should have made but didn't and/or calls I didn't make but should have.  I felt much more comfortable the second bout.

At any rate, we watched the footage last night.

The way we usually view the footage is that someone will see something and immediately ask that it be rewound and replayed [usually at half speed or slower].  We'll discuss it and talk about whether a penalty should have been called, or not, or whatever.  Then we rewind it once more and continue playing the video.

So we would go through this and determine that yes, on XYZ particular action, a penalty should have been called.

Twice when that happened, the continuance of the video playing showed that I called the appropriate penalty on the appropriate player. It was really a great feeling.

Going to help out the other league on Friday as usual.  Building up my resume - this will be game #17 for me.  Woot!

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