Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Sunday night I went out to Buffalo (aka the league I go and ref for quite a bit) to celebrate Christmas with my dad and his wife, and for dinner we went to the restaurant that's attached to the bout venue.

There was a practice going on that we could watch, and it was so hard for me not to be like HEY LET ME JOIN YOU I CAN CALL PENALTIES.

When we walked by later (to check out the ice rinks) a few skaters waved to me.  "Man, you know everyone," my sister said.

Sunday, December 20, 2015


Who has two thumbs and got a 48/50 on the rules certification test?

(Admittedly, it was the third time I took it.)

So now it's onto the skating portion.  Not looking forward to having to do the 10 laps in 1:35 again, as our sport court is very sloooow.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

And thus endeth my year of skating.

Last Saturday I went out to a little league in PA to jam ref.  It was fun, and I got to meet some new cool people. Meeting new cool people is always fun.

Our league is on break now until the end of the year, and there aren't any bouts coming up elsewhere that I'm going to be refereeing, so...yeah!  Yay 2015! 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

and that's #30!

I did not forget how to OPR.

I carpooled out there with one of the other refs in our league.  He just got his Level 3 certification and we were discussing our futures.  He suggested that I need to seek out more regulation and sanctioned games, which is true, but there aren't many this time of year 'cause so many leagues are on break.

He also asked me what my goals are.  So, I thought about it, and came up with this for 2016:

1. I would like to either get, or be well on my way towards, Level 2 certification.
2. I would like to be accepted to a tournament of regulation and/or sanctioned games where I can get evaluations.