Wednesday, May 11, 2016


so I have this ganglion cyst on the top of my left hand that comes back like zombies.  I first had it removed in September 2000, and then again in September 2010.

Now it's starting to come back again. It's not visible yet (in the past it's been like a gumball trapped under my skin) but I can feel it if I run my right hand down the back of my left hand, and if I have to carry things, or write for an extended period of time, it really hurts (which is sort of the signal that it's coming back and I'll need to get it taken care of).

When I had it taken care of back in 2010, I was in a wrist-guard kind of cast for about two weeks, then another week or so of "be gentle with it."  So I need to find a three-week window where I don't have anything going on HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that's hysterical.  (I can't even be, like, "Ok, I'll NSO" because I'M LEFT HANDED.)

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