Wednesday, February 13, 2019

My 2019 Rulebook, ready for action

the notebook is from the Staples ARC system, the smaller "junior" size. I prefer it to three ring binders because I always have issues with them eventually not closing correctly.

I copied and pasted the text of the rules and casebook into an MS Word document, and tweaked the font/space/whatever so that there's no real wasted space (if you print the PDF in a 2 pages per sheet format, the print is really tiny and there's a lot of extra space at the bottom and top). I also space it so that there aren't any single lines/bullet points stranded at the top or the bottom of a page. (In an effort to save space, I've also removed certain graphics/headings/whatnot.) These pages are single-sided, so I can use the facing page to write notes/draw diagrams/whatever.

This process took a *long* time.

I also have the Officiating Procedures, Cues/Codes/Signals, and the StatsBook manual. Those I just printed from the PDFs, as they're not that long and there are a lot of pictures/diagrams that I need. These are double sided.

When I go to a tournament, I'll print out my schedule, as well as any officiating procedures specific to that tournament.

I made the track stickers because I suck at drawing them. I have straightaways, turns and straightaways, and full tracks.

Friday, February 1, 2019

so much this

"My message to any young person who might be thinking about officiating is do it," says [former referee Jeff] Triplette. "The lows, they are pretty low. But the highs, they win. The friendships and the experiences, the memories, they win. It's hard. But anything worth having or doing is hard. Why did I do it? Because I loved it."

The knee pads have been a success.  They're about 1" or so slimmer than my old pads, and they've thrown off my muscle memory a little during my crossovers. 

We've got a scrimmage tomorrow in our practice space, but it's going to be cold AF.  The temperature in there on Thursday morning was 29° (we cancel practice if it's below 32°) and I doubt the temperature has magically gone up since then.  It's kind of an important scrimmage, so I don't think it'll be canceled, but I bet a bunch of NSOs won't show up, and I don't blame them.  We have radiant heat that doesn't cover where they stand.