Wednesday, April 4, 2018

geez, it's been a while; my apologies

so, let's see!

Dust Devil was faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaantastic.  The crew I was on really gelled from the start, I got a lot of great advice and compliments on my reffing abilities, I ate a lot of great food, I saw a lot of great things (Grand Canyon is insane), I met a lot of great people.  It was good to visit with my aunts and uncles again.

First HR assignment?  Went a lot better than I thought it would.  I need to work on pack definition and giving failure to reforms and whatnot when there's no pack, but I didn't have any brain-breaking issues, or belligerent coaches or anything.  One official review at the very end of the game that went off without a hitch.  I'm quite pleased.

this is on the short list of Favorite Derby Pictures of Me EVAR

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