Wednesday, March 11, 2015

the world keeps spinning; I get taken along for the ride

This past Saturday was my first NSOing at a sanctioned bout; I got to do penalty box timing.  It went pretty well; there was one point when the box was full and I was like OKAY YOU GO NOW I DON'T REMEMBER WHAT YOUR NUMBER IS EXACTLY BUT GO NOW PLEASE.

We worked on a few different types of starts at practice last night - duck walks, side-stepping (which is useful when you're jam reffing, apparently), backwards and toe stops.  I felt very Michigan J. Frog HELLO MY BABY HELLO MY DARLIN' HELLO MY RAGTIME GAL during the side-stepping one, which probably means I should work on it.  I've also been working on backwards crossovers, which go well until I get going too fast and I get sorta JANE STOP THIS CRAZY THING and have to slow down/stop.

Saturday is the St. Patrick's Day parade.  The weather here has been somewhat nicer this week than in the past (temperatures in the 40's WAHOO) but I think it's supposed to rain on Saturday.  Sigh.  I don't think anything will ever top 2012, where it was sunny and in the 70's and there were like a hundred thousand people who came out. (I've participated in the parade since 2009.)

Our league's first bout of the season is a week from Saturday.  We're doing a round-robin with our home teams - three half hour periods.  I think they like to roster refs for two shifts and off one; I told our head ref that I'd be more than happy to NSO the off-shift.

The weekend after that is a doubleheader A/B in Providence.  I am the only skate ref going (there's a tournament that everyone else is going to).  I'm a wee bit nervous but we'll see what happens.

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