Thursday, January 22, 2015


Normally we scrimmage on Thursdays, but our practice space wasn't available so we scrimmaged this past Sunday morning.

And I jam reffed!

And I didn't die!

And I actually kinda liked it!

I liked that you have to concentrate on one skater, and one skater only.  You're not "oh, I was looking at this part of the pack and didn't see [fill in the name of penalty] that happened [fill in part of pack that you're not looking at]."

It seemed to be easier doing it for teams I know, though, because I could actually name the opposing players that the jammer went by, rather than having to rely on some landmark of clothing or equipment.

I did screw up one call; a jammer should have gotten a "no pass/no lead jammer" call.  Oops.  And I didn't have the mechanics of where my arms should be at different times, but we worked on that this past Tuesday.

And then I fell twice and had to scramble to keep up with the jammer.  THAT was fun.

Anyway.  We're scrimmaging tonight, and with any luck I'll get to do it again.

Our fearless Ref leaders have asked us to come up with a few goals, and I have.

Readily attainable - to ref in a home team bout this season.
Will take work - to ref in a B team bout this season.
A Ref can dream, can't she? - to ref in a WFTDA-sanctioned bout this season.

Speaking of WFTDA, they've announced the dates and locations of the officiating clinics.  Our league hosted one last year*, but I didn't go because (a) it was the day of a bout and I was running around doing bout production stuff, and (b) at that point I wasn't considering being a ref.

The closest one is in Albany, NY, which is about a three and a half hour drive.  I'll have to see if anyone is interested in carpooling and room sharing.

*thanks to a smashing RFP written by yours truly. :)

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