Thursday, February 20, 2020

no one died!


It went pretty well, from my end.  A few small fires (of which I was aware) that got put out quickly and with minimal hard feelings.

One thing I do need to work on - giving feedback.  I've never been good at it.  Part of it is "how can I give feedback to these officials who have so many more years of experience than I" (though that is becoming less of an excuse as I accumulate more years as an official) and part of it is not wanting to step on the toes of the crew heads (as they may have told the officials do to something contradictory to what I would tell them) and part of it is just not wanting to be overly picky, and part of it is "I have spent the last eight hours watching derby games and my brain is fried right now."

So yeah.  I'd definitely like to do it again, but for a shorter tournament.  Four days is lonnnnnnnnng, yo.

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