Monday, October 8, 2018


So Saturday Kid Queenie and I went down to Ithaca to NSO a juniors' game.  We got to the venue and discovered that the humidity of the day (their venue is semi-enclosed) and the relative chill of the floor resulted in the WHOLE THING BEING A LAKE OF CONDENSATION.  They tried to dry it out with big fans, but it didn't work, so they switched the game to be a scrimmage at their practice space, a few miles away.

I was jam timer, and it went relatively well, except for the part where I could not for the life of me remember when on my stopwatch I had started the jam (thanks to an official review, I'd started the jam at an odd number), and since there was no scoreboard, I couldn't tell how long it'd been, so I just kinda....ended it at a random point.  (And got called out by one of the coaches for doing it.  Oops.)

Anyway, that's not the point.  Here's the point.  Kid Queenie scorekept, only the second time he'd done it.   After the game:

OTHER SCOREKEEPER (running into the room, talking to the Head Referee): The other scorekeeper, I don't know his name, he's only 17 but you need to get him for every home game you can

(meanwhile, the two of us were standing directly behind the scorekeeper as she was saying this, and I was like, in my head, THAT'S MY SON HE'S AWESOME, ISN'T HE?)

So yeah, looks like I'll be volunteering for a lot more junior games in the next few months, to get him out there.
twelve days until I leave for my Grand English Adventure (hgahagggaahhhhhhhhhh!)

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