Friday, January 20, 2017

entering the swing of things

JRing a home game tonight in Buffalo, it's their home opener.  Should be crazy packed - Buffalo has a great fan base for their home teams.

Found out my assignments for Battle of the All-Stars, next month in Pennsylvania - ten games over four days.  4 OPR, 5 JR and 1 FIPR WHAT IS THIS MADNESS.  A four day tournament is gonna be murder - I need to buy one of those lounger things that inflates by running around and filling it with air - people have had them at previous tournaments and I was SO JEALOUS.

I should also buy another set of stripes, maybe.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Monday, January 9, 2017

First game of 2017 IN THE BOOKS

I woke up yesterday morning with my trapezius muscles (the ones between your neck and shoulders - I had to be told what they were called) aching - all that lead jammer calling.  Other than that, the game went pretty well.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

yeehaw 2017

So here are my derby resolutions for the year:

1. Get accepted to a tournament with WFTDA sanctioned games as a non-alt referee
2. Get accepted to a tournament that requires air travel
3. Work as front OPR for a game and keep constant positioning
4. If certification opens up again, apply!

I also plan to exercise for half an hour every day and drink more water, which is kinda derbyish.

First game of the year is Saturday - JRing an expo game in Buffalo.  It will be interesting with the new rule set.

I bought a new bag for my pads and helmet and miscellanea - it's actually a craft storage tote.  I got it because it's flat on top and I can just put my skate case on top of it (I don't like storing my skates and pads in the same container because damp pads can cause your bearings to rust.  Plus my skate case is an old typewriter case with lots of stickers on it and it's very cool looking).  I've used it once and so far, so good.