Tuesday, February 21, 2017

whoop whoop

So here are my derby resolutions for the year:
1. Get accepted to a tournament with WFTDA sanctioned games as a non-alt referee
2. Get accepted to a tournament that requires air travel
3. Work as front OPR for a game and keep constant positioning
4. If certification opens up again, apply!

Siege of CNY crews were posted over the weekend, yay!  AN OPR IS ME

So, yeah

Did I say ten games?  I meant eleven.


Did I also mention that my left toenail decided to turn black?

Yeah.  This was a very long weekend, physically and emotionally.  (There was a point where people were just pushing me from one person to another for hugs.)  But, on the plus side, I did get to officiate some crazy high level games [at one point during the Pennsylvania/New York game, everyone was skating clockwise and I was like "oh gee I guess this is a thing now"], I got to hang out with good friends, I made new friends, I got patches to add to my hoodie, and I realized that between NSOing and refereering, I've passed 100 games.  Yay!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

wait, wasn't it just 1993?

time is seriously flying - Battle of the All Stars starts a week from tomorrow!  Gah!  Four day tournament!  Gah!  I've got ten games!  Gah!

Friday, February 3, 2017

things happening and all that

a few weekends ago I went to a beer sampling event type thing where our league was handing out game schedules and information about recruitment.  It was half inside, half outside, it was snowing and there were a fair number of drunk people around.

So of course I drop my finger whistle on the floor in the ladies' room and it goes skittering under another stall.

No way was I going to retrieve it.  I figure it made some drunk woman very happy. 

I ordered a new one, but forgot to order it for a while, so I had to make do with an old lanyard whistle with an electrical tape loop I can stick my hand it.  Not as nice.

Head refereed last night's scrimmage.  I can either define pack or call penalties.